To place the work from my blog on other resources you need to name the author and give a direct link to the page with the work.
Если вы хотите разместить мой объект у себя на сайте, вы должны указать имя автора и прямую ссылку на страницу с работой.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Kiss Before Dying - Female Sims from the Great Novel

Katie Holmes - Sim Female

Melita - Sim Female According to Hayley Williams (Old Work)

Ien Somerholder - Without Skintone - Sim Male (Old Work)

Gale Weathers "Scream" - Courteney Cox - Sim Female

Erica Adams - Sim Female (Old Work)

Coventina - Sim Female (Old Work)

Oliver - Sim Male (Old Work)

Cassandra - Sim Female

Pipa Adams - Sim Female (Old Work)

Dennis Ostermann (In Strict Confidence) - Sim Male (Old Work)

Albert - Sim Male (Old Work)

Gerberth West - Sim Male According to the story by G.P.Lovecraft (Old Work)

Tuesday, August 6, 2013


My dear fans and readers!

I am happy to tell you, that all the links to the Custom Content are working now.
Follow them at the page Read Me Before Install Me.

Thank you for telling about troubles and waiting.

Yours, Melissa Schwarz.